Well, dear wearers of ball caps and bowlers, rest assured: Wearing hats does not cause hair loss.
Actually, let us caveat that. If you consistently wear an extremely tight hat, you could experience traction alopecia (gradual hair loss resulting from repetitive pulling or tension of hair). The good news? Chances are slim — we’re talking Peyton-Manning-coming-out-of-retirement-slim — that you could even wear your hat that tight.
This means that if you ever take off your hat and find some hair left behind, you shouldn’t be alarmed. It’s much more likely that this delicate hair has already shed from your head and is sticking to the hat like a souvenir.
You wouldn’t wear the same pair of socks for a year without washing them, right? Treat your hat with the same courtesy. Unwashed hats can accumulate dirt, dust, and even bacteria, which in turn can leave their wearer with an irritated scalp. Do yourself — and your hat — a favor and keep it clean.
So, be it a beret or a beanie, a fedora or a fez, a sombrero or a Stetson, don your headwear of choice without a worry — and know that while it may up your style game, it will in no way decrease your hair count.
Want to know what does cause your hair to fall out? Here are the science-backed causes of hair loss.
The information provided in this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should not rely upon the content provided in this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.
Image credit: Andrew Wise